Under the Water Tower Lovilia News

December 29, 2021

Jan.1 Free Movie in Lovilia

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 9:40 pm

John Hogeland and his his wife, Beth Hoffman, are hosting a free movie in Lovilia at the Lovilia Community Building. They plan to do it the first Saturday of each month. Movies will be PG and they plan to put out a movie listing soon for the future movies to be shown.

Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the movie begins at 7 p.m. Bring your own snacks and blanket to get comfy. (each person must clean up after themselves) The move is free but the building rent is $50 which they will pay but if you want to show your appreciation for the fun, drop a small donation. I am sure that would be appreciated.

January 1st the movie will be Wall-E. Wall-E is a robot who is designed to clean up a waste covered earth far in the future. He falls in love with a robot named Eve and the adventure begins………..

I hope there will be a huge crowd for this fun event that everyone can afford and enjoy with their kids, grandkids, and neighbors. Let’s make it a monthly Thing for Lovilia. Get off your couch and lets party!!

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