Under the Water Tower Lovilia News

July 18, 2012

Weller Picnic August 4, 2012, Saturday

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 9:13 pm

The Weller bunch will meet at Weller 11am-5pm. Lunch served at 11:30am. Menu: pork loin, brats, side dishes, soda, iced tea, and lemonade.
There will be live country and Irish music as well as Traditional Irish dancing. Bringing your own lawn chairs is essential or if you prefer a blanket to sit on. You are welcome to bring your own coolers too. Everyone is welcome!!

Rain Dances Welcome

We are seriously in need of rain in Lovilia and on the farms of our area.  If you know the fabulous footwork to bring the rain drops down like cats and dogs, we welcome you to start the dance now if not sooner!!  I pity my parents who were kids in the nineteen twenties and thirties when there were no ice cubes and no refrigerators.  I think I will start hugging my frig every morning.  And thank the good Lord and the electric company for keeping it humming.  Remember to be thankful for the good stuff-  it could always be worse.

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