Under the Water Tower Lovilia News

March 15, 2010

Paul Ansley Loyal Community Servant Dies

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 2:08 am

Paul Ansley dies March 5, 2010

Paul was born November 1, 1937 to Arthur Edward and Eldora Thomas Ansley.  He attended Lovilia schools and graduated from the High School class of 1955.  He served in the Army and the Marine Reserves.  In 1962 he married Janice Roberts  in Albia.  They worked and made their home in Burlington, Iowa for many years but returned to Lovilia in 1970. He worked at Albia L & S tools as a tool and die maker until his retirement.

He served the town as a city councilman and as mayor for several years.  In 1976 he was one of the founding members of the Lovilia Community Betterment Committee .  As such he helped raise the financing and make building arrangments of the Lovilia Community Building.  He has remained on the committee and worked for over 33 years to maintain the building for the benefit of the community.

Paul was a talented wood carver and taught classes in that folk art.  He and his daughter Dawn co-owned the White Oak Gallery in Albia where they did framing, matting, and sold antiques and art pieces.

Paul and Janice have four children:  Brian, Melinda “Mindy”, Dawn and Dana.

To their family have been the blessing of 14 grandchildren.

To honor Paul you are encouraged to join the Iowa Donor Registry at:  www.iowadonorregistry.org or phone 1-877-366-6742.  Green ribbon pins which is the national symbol for organ, tissue and eye donation were available to all guests at the Winfield Funeral Home at the visitation and services.

Memorials may be given in his honor to the Lovilia Community Building.

We extend or condolences to the family and our appreciation for all his time and talent spent for the community of Lovilia.

George Chance Dies March 4, 2010

George was born June 3, 1956 to Floyd “Bill” and Rebecca Gladson Chance. He graduated from Albia High School in the class of 1974.  Patty McNeal and George married in 1979 and to them was born a daughter, Lindsi, and a son, Billy. George has two grandchildren.

George later married Jean Kelderman in 1998 in Oskaloosa.  He retired from Clow Valve Co. of Oskaloosa.

He is survived also by his brother, Kenny Chance of Oskaloosa and his sister Hydee Waters of Albia, Iowa.

We extend our condolences to the family.

Footings Poured for New Headstart Building

Concrete pads are in place so we can watch to see when the new building will be set in place in the south end.  They will also place some playground equipment in the yard there for the children.  A positive improvement in the coming months for the town.


One Sunday in a small Iowa church, a young child was acting up during the morning worship services.  The parents tried to calm the child but were losing the battle.  Finally, the father picked the child up and walked sternly up the aisle on his way out.  Just before reaching the back door the little one called loudly to the congregation, “Pray for me!  Pray for me!

March 1, 2010

Lovilia Part of a USA Military Research Project

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 7:30 pm

Blood Center at Lovilia is in Military Research Project

At our recent Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center blood drive in Lovilia, we had a surprise.  When we went through the normal procedures to prepare for a blood donation they said don’t tell us your blood type we are doing a new test for the military to see if it is faster, more efficient,  and has a high percentage of accuracy.  If it is better than current typing methods, then this new way will be adopted by the military.

I asked how many places were doing the research and she said only two blood centers were chosen.  And the one that comes to Lovilia was one of the ones chosen.  So that is exciting to be part of this.

She drew a drop of blood from my finger and put in on the testing device.  Within a couple of minutes she said you are type B+.  Is that correct?  I said yes and was pleased to see it worked correctly.  Then I donated blood as usual.

All donors at Lovilia that day were part of the project and I am sure felt that it was an extra bonus to be able to help  the military health personnel and it will no doubt be used by civilian hospitals and blood banks too.

The next blood donation day in Lovilia will be Monday, June 7th.  They can always use more donors so come and offer to donate.  If you don’t know if you are eligible they will ask enough questions to determine that for you.

Fisher Family is Blessed with Twins

Mike Fisher and his wife gave birth to twins Saturday, Feb. 6th.  They had a boy, Emmett, and a girl, Presley.   Denise Fisher of Lovilia is the grandmother.  Great grandparents of rural Lovilia area are Daniel and Colleen Lenger.  Mike’s family lives on a farm between Lovilia and Albia.  God has blessed you with double the joy of a little babe!

Family with a Big Heart Adopts Five Children  Together

Mike and Marilyn Beary of rural Lovilia have been foster parents to many children for several years.  That alone takes a big heart and lots of patience.  A few years ago a little girl they had in foster care was available for adoption and they did so and she is now seven years old.  They have been currently foster parents to five brothers and sisters ranging in age from 2 to 10 years of age.  Now they are available for adoption and Mike and Marilyn are in the process of doing so.  If all goes well, Marilyn said they could finalize it in April.  Marilyn  said the kids are very nice and she and Mike look forward to being their mom and dad.  Then they will withdraw from being foster parents as she feels six kids will be enough to be a strong family.  May God bless you for your loving hearts and actions.

New Clerk

Tammy Hunt, who formally worked in a hospital radiology dept. in Des Moines, is now working at Gas N Go.  The hospital was requiring more hours and other conditions that did not work out for her so she is now greeting you at the store.  She is Brian Hunt’s wife.  We hope she enjoys her new job.

History notes from Lovilia History Book

One winter Heatherington’s Harness shop sold 36 bobsleds.  Can’t you just close your eyes and imagine 36 sleds being pulled by a horse with bells jingling on the harness swishing by all over the Lovilia countryside.  One of the beautiful moments from the past.

Vocabulary Building

I was reading a book about the life of a famous lady and writer of the 1920 and 1930 era.  Her name was Dorothy Parker.  She was famous for her quick and biting wit.  The author had a word list that was amazing.  Did people then really talk like that?  Then we have really dummied down people, myself included.  Here are four words to check yourself with  word knowledge:

apogee:  the highest point, as in astronomy-the point in the orbit of a heavenly body, esp. of the moon or of a man made satellite at which it is farthest from the earth.

lorgnettes: a pair of glasses or opera glasses mounted on a handle

paean:  any song of praise, joy, or triumph

threnody:  a poem, speech, or song of lamentation, esp. for the dead; funeral song

February 8, 2010

Lovilia Community Blood Drive

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 9:16 pm

The blood drive will be Monday, Februry 15 from 3pm to 7pm at the Lovilia Community Building.  To donate call 1-800-452-1097.  I will be there myself at 3pm and my husband about 5pm.  They welcome both regular and new donors.  They will answer any questions you may have when you call.  I am proud that our local community responds well to the blood drive with this life saving donation.

Recycle in Lovilia on Saturday, Feb.13, 2010

As usual the trailer will be parked across from the post office from 8am to 10am.  While you are cooped up in this snowstorm, gather up your newspapers, magazines, washed tin cans, etc. and show up on Saturday to recycle.  You will be glad you did!

Happy Valentines Day!!

As a friend told me, “Save the earth… It’s the only planet with chocolate!!  This is your friendly reminder guys and gals to remember your loved ones with a card, hug, or chocolate.  Flowers are also good!!

Class Reunion Being Planned for the Class of 1960

This will be the 50th anniversary of their graduation.  Some class members you know are Bob and Margaret (Flahive) Crumley and Jim and Shirley (Hull) Beary.  I am sure they will plan a fun reunion.

Hal Miller Dies

Hal died at age 61 on Feb.2, 2010 after a battle with cancer.  He was raised in Bradgate, Iowa.  He moved to Lovilia in 1970.  He married Wilma Darden on August 8, 1980.  They have three daughters and nine grandchildren.

Hal was a farmer all his life and worked at the Martin Marietta Durham Rock Quarry as an end loader operator.

Outdoor activities were his favorites.  Gardening,camping, and working with animals .

We offer our prayers and sympathy to the family.  The funeral services were at Winfields in Albia and burial was at Osborn Cemetery in Lovilia.

St. Peter’s Catholic Church Lenten Services, Etc.

Ash Wednesday there will be a soup supper at the rectory prior to mass.  Ladies of the parish are asked to bring a pot of soup and/or crackers and relishes. Supper starts at 5pm and mass at 6:30pm.

Stations of the cross will be on Fridays at 6pm. led my Ed Kamerick of Melrose who is studying to be a deacon.

St. Peter’s  has a new bookkeeper.  Alina McIntyre will be working mornings on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

For those who wish to rent the church hall, call Jean Flattery 641-932-7774.

Lovilia United Methodist Church Lenten Study

The minister will lead a Lenten study of the Lord’s Prayer. Class will begin on Wed., Feb.24th at the  Lovilia church .Class begins at 7pm.  They invite you to come.

Follow up on past stories

Funds are still needed to finish paying for the new furnace and air conditioning at the Lovilia Community Building.  The remaining balance is $ 3,000 .     The committee has applied for a grant which is available to communities from funds at Prairie Meadows.   They will know in March if they will receive those funds to help pay for the building improvements.  The next project when this is accomplished is to insulate the building with foam insulation with an expected cost of $7,000.  Donations can be mailed to this address:

Lovilia Community Betterment , % Paul Ansley, P O Box 152, Lovilia , Ia. 50150.

Do You Have a House Number?

I brought this up a year ago.  Many homes in Lovilia still need those numbers.  If you go back and read that first posting,  it gives all the information about size required and average prices and stores who carry the numbers.  It is important to have the number posted on the front side of your house so firemen and first responders can find you.  There have been incidents where precious time was lost because the house had no number and the emergency response team had trouble locating the home.  Please install these numbers for your own safety.

Gas N Go Pumping New Fuels and Building Remodel

Quite some time ago we said the overhaul had begun.  Now you can purchase E85, biodiesel, ethanol blend, and other fuels at all new pumps.

The store remodel is almost complete with a new cooler and added display space.  They have also added broasted chicken as a food item.  If you have not been , check it out, you will like the new changes.

Just Call ME

If you have news or comments for this blog, please call me at 946-7952.  Thanks to my readers , Susan Beary

January 10, 2010

January: Lovilia Cold and Snow Covered

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 8:36 pm

Big surprise!  We have about 18 inches of snow on the ground that crunches when we walk on it due to the cold temp.  However, the weatherpersons tell us we could reach 32 degrees by midweek so everyone is hopeful!!  It has curtailed the daily walkers some and the dogs waste no time outside before barking to come back inside.  I have been busy and wrote no post since the first of November so I will try to catch up a bit on this first post of 2010.

Deaths of Three Life Time Residents

Kevin Ballalatak , Katherine Wynn, and Jim Hollinrake passed away recently.   All have relatives and friends who still live in Lovilia.  We wish Kevin, Katherine, and Jim eternal rest and peace.

Frank Masick Moved

Lifetime resident Frank has moved to a rural farmstead near Albia.  We hope he enjoys his new rural setting.

Japanese Resident Visits Lovilia

Nikki Gilbert recently made a surprise visit to family and friends from her current home in Japan.  She works there and enjoys the culture.  She told us she had made a recent trip to China and walked on the Great Wall.  I hope she is writing a journal.  She has had some great adventures.  Welcome home anytime Nikki!

Lovilia Men down Trophy size Bull Elk in Colorado

David Williams showed me the photo of this prize animal that was shot by his grandson, Logan Williams, while they were on their annual hunt in Colorado.  They camp in a tent and carry everything in and out of the woods so they had some work to do to get the elk meat to their vehicle but David says the meat is very tasty and not a wild game taste.   Congratulations  Logan!

Priest Moved to Lovilia

Father Pat Lumsden has been residing in Melrose since becoming the local priest in July.  He has moved  to Lovilia because he said the constant train whistles in Melrose kept him from getting a good nights sleep.  We welcome him to town along with his dog, Buddy, which is a shelty collie.

Lucile Flahive under Hospice Care

Lucile is now at her daughters home and receiving care from hospice. She would enjoy cards from her Lovilia friends.  The address is: Lucile Flahive,c/o Deana Mahedy, 5405 Pleasant Street, West DesMoines, IA 50266

St Peter’s Plans for 100 year Anniversary

The corner stone was laid 100 years ago and now it is time to celebrate our history and our current community.  Plans are being started to make the July picnic and activities special.  Will update our readers as we learn the plans.

Beary’s Total Car

Some folks may notice that David and Susan Beary are driving a new car.  Susan was driving Dave, Morgan, Wes, Teresa, and the dog home Christmas night from Grandma Beary’s in Ottumwa.  It was snowing making visibility bad and it was iced along the road too.  Right wheels went off edge and we spun a donut and were saved from a deep embankment by a guard rail.  We were not hurt thanks to seat belts, driving 35 miles an hour, and several hard working guardian angels.  Praise be no other cars were near enough to be involved.  Deputy sheriff Dunning responded promptly to our cell phone call and handled everything quickly and professionally.  Even if you think you are careful, danger lurks, so from experience, drive extra careful on snow days.

Recycle in February on Saturday, Feb. 13th in Lovilia

Recycle as usual across from the Post Office from 8am-10am.  The trailer is there and the attendant will help you.  Never done it before?  Start easy, bring your newspapers.  It is a free service.

December 19, 2009

Updating Pages

Filed under: Uncategorized — shawk @ 8:07 pm

Updating pages and cleaning up some processes on the backend. I apologize for any interruption in service. We’ll be back up shortly.


Update:  Finished already. Everything should be running again.

November 7, 2009

November 3 City Election Results

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 10:43 pm

New Mayor and Two New Councilmen

Pat Gilbert is our new mayor and new councilmen are Jim Gass and Pam Spaur.  Pat and Jim have been councilmen and Pam is new to city government.  We welcome them all and appreciate there stepping up to serve their community and take care of its needs.

Recycling Day in Lovilia is Saturday, November 14th at 8am-10am.

Remember to bring your recycling items to the trailer parked across from the Lovilia Post Office.

They accept corrugated cardboard, office paper shredded or not , magazines, and newspapers.  These have to be bagged separately as they are processed separately.  They take food cans that are washed out and labels removed.  Glass jars that are washed out and labels removed. Any metal rings around the neck of the jar must be removed.  Lids can not be recycled.  They take washed out #1 PETE plastic and #2 HDPE plastic. All lids and plastic rings around the opening must be discarded by you before bringing these containers.  If you have any questions ask the employee who will put your items in the trailer for you.   Remember this is a free service provided by Monroe County.  Take advantage of it and help make our landfill last more years so they don’t have to start a new one.  Also it puts these valuable resources back into use.  Plus it can save you money.  Since I recycle, burn my food wrappers in a barrel, and compost food scraps, and one trip to landfill per year with what is left, I don’t have to even have garbage collection so I save that monthly fee for other family needs.  Try it, you have nothing to lose but a small storage area in your house or garage.

5oth Wedding Anniversarys

Tom and Phyllis (Waters) Dunkin of Lovilia celebrated their 50th with family.  They were married Oct. 2, 1959  and have three children,Tina, Lisa, and Tom and several grandchildren.

Former residents, George and Barbara (Baird) Bunch of Albia celebrated their 50th with family.  They were married Sept. 13, 1959 and they had three children.  Keith (deceased), Lynda, and Dan and two grandchildren.

Best wishes two both couples and many happy memories.

Lovilia Class of 1951 Held Their 58th Class Reunion September 2009

Ten members were in attendance for a meal shared together.  Marilyn Kraber, Delores Boehmke, Ruth Belzer, Carol Richmond, Marilyn VanderBerg, Harold Hastings, Marguerite Markle, Rollie Markle, Doran Haywood, and Robert Waters.  Hope you enjoyed sharing your high school memories once again.

Veteran’s Day November 11th

We want to thank all Lovilia military men and women past and present who sacrificed their time and health and even their lives to preserve our country and its many freedoms.  We can not thank you enough but will hold you in our thoughts and prayers today.

October 3, 2009

Headstart of Lovilia using Community Building Temporarily

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 10:24 pm

Headstart is using the Community building for classes as the government inspected the Lovilia and Albia sites and said they did not meet the regulations.   They are paying rent to use the building while they look for a new location. There are currently 12 students attending classes there.  That explains the little merry go round that appeared on the lawn by the building.

Correction about the Free Dinner at the Community Building on the last post

Hosting the dinner were the women of the Lovilia United Methodist Church.  Sorry for my error.  They certainly did a great job and deserve the recognition.  It was done as a gift to the city.

Unite Methodist Women Guest Day

The women hosted a guest day. Thirteen churches were invited and guests were there from eight of them. Forty women heard the presentation from the guest speaker, Brian Chambers, a columnist for the Albia newspapers.  Goldie Kraber said it was a very interesting speech.

Gas N Go Construction

Update is there is still no fuel pumping but they hope to have it ready sometime this week.  Work is ongoing inside as the ceiling is being lowered with a new plasterboard ceiling.  They are open each day for business of food, beverages, lottery tickets, etc.

Town Clean Up

Conrad burned home is all cleaned up except  some foundation remains.  Marty Major house is all cleaned up except the chimney and some foundation.  The vacant property north across from the Norma Barnes home has been condemned by the regional health dept.   So it should be cleared away when the proper channels get carried out.

Recycle day is Oct. 10

Recycle in Lovilia Sat. Oct. 10th across from the Post Office from 8am to 10am. It is a free service.  If you have not done it before. An easy way to start is to bring your newspapers in a sack or box and /or your magazines in a sack or box.  They must be kept separate as it is two different types of paper and have to be handled separately.

September 26, 2009

Free Supper at Lovilia Community Building Sept. 20th

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 2:55 am

Lovilia Community Betterment committee decided to host a free supper to get the citizens together for an old fashioned supper.  Menu was hamburgers, hotdogs, baked beans, desserts, and beverages.  Goldie Kraber headed up the kitchen committee and all the food was excellent.  I saw new faces and long time residents who all seemed to be enjoying it.  Thanks so much for a good time!

Kevin Ballalatak Died Suddenly

Kevin Ballalatak life long rural resident died at age 44.  Visitation was Thursday at the Lovilia funeral home and the services there on Friday.  Burial was at St. Peter’s church cemetary and a memorial was made to the cemetary fund.  Condolences to family and friends.

North E Avenue has Three New Homeowners

James Rominger family has moved into the former Steve Slofkosky house.

Tyler Ford has moved into the former Edith Barnes house.

Next to him is the Josh Wuebker family in the former Kevin Walters house.

We welcome these new home owners and young families.

Lovilia Firemen’s Annual Fundraising Supper to be Oct. 7

Firemen have announced their supper will be Oct. 7th, Wednesday, at the Lovilia Community Building.  Free will offering for the chicken and noodle supper.  All are welcome.  Following the supper the firemen are planning a lighted parade.  This will be new.  Check it out!!

September 18, 2009

Russ Vanden Berg elected to Albia School Board

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 6:26 pm

School Board Seat

Russ entered himself as a write in candidate and was elected to represent Lovilia and the northwest part of the county.  He and his wife Becky have two daughters in high school, Chelsey and Mikayla.  If you have questions and suggestion for the school board he is the one to call.

Devon Gottschalk becomes Eagle Scout

Devon is the son of Randy and Janet Gottschalk of rural Lovilia.  He was made an Eagle Scout on Sept. 5th in a ceremony at the Lovilia Community Building.  Only a few boy scouts attain this rank.  He rebuilt the rock welcome sign at Lake Miami as his Eagle commuity service project.  Now Devon has begun his freshman year at Iowa State University as an engineering student.  Congratultions Devon!

New Baby

John and Ashlee Davis have a baby girl, Taylor Brooke, born Aug. 19, 2009. Contratulations!

Des Moines Chef has Lovilia Roots

Anthony “Tony” Johnson, grew up in Lovilia and went to DMACC in Ankeny, Iowa where he received a degree in culinary arts.  Now he is head chef at Mojo’s on 86 th street in DesMoines.  He likes to use fresh Iowa produce in his cooking and wine and whiskey.  His parents are John and Judi Johnson of Albia who graduated from Lovilia high school and ran an insurance business here until transferring it to Albia.

Lake Miami News

Sept. 12th opened a new building called the Carmack Nature Center.  It is for the use of hunter safety classes, wildlife classes, etc.  Lake Miami also planted a three acre area in wildflowers and grasses which will when developed in a acouple of years present with a beautiful display of flowers.  There is also a one and a half mile mowed walking trail.  The trail has attracted a archery club that brings in as many as 100 people for a weekend target shoot. There is new playground equipment too that just got placed this year.  So if you have little ones go check it out.  It is safe and beautiful.  The lake level has been drawn down this year to improve the type of fish available for fisherman but the water level should be back to normal by next spring after the winter run off and thaw.

Chantel Manser Cross Country Leader

Chantel Manser of Lovilia was an honorable mention on the SCC conference team last year.  This year at the first two cross country meets she came in near the front of the pack with excellent times. Good work Chantel!!

September 4, 2009

1401 F Avenue Home Total Loss by Fire September 4

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 7:13 pm

The home of Mark and Nancy Conrad was destroyed by fire in the early morning hours.  They escaped safely with their pet dog but their pet birds perished.  The home was insured.  Lovilia firemen responded and kept water on the John Malone house next door to keep it from catching on fire too.  This home years ago was the home of Alice Love.  Nancy is the daughter of Lovilians Verona and Junior Goematt.

Marty Major’s old home being dismantled

Salvage work is being done and the home is being taken down.  Marty now has a new home just south of the old on her lot.

Gas N Go addition

Addition being constructed today on the north side of the building.

Tonya Bunch Honored

Tonya Bunch received an award for her work at Indian Hills College service center at Albia.  Congratulations Tonya!

Mark your calendars for Lovilia blood drive and monthly recycling

Recycle on Saturday Sept. 12th from 8am-10am at the trailer across from the post office.  It is a free service.

Blood drive at Lovilia Comm. Bldg. on Monday, Sept. 14 from 3-7pm.  Call for an appointment.  The blood bank number is on a poster at the post office.

Baseball Fans

Baseball tournament at the Lovilia field from Friday evening at 6pm until done on Sunday. If you love the game this is a chance to watch right here at home.

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