Under the Water Tower Lovilia News

November 12, 2011

Lovilia City Election Results

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 5:53 pm

Mayor Pat Gilbert reelected. Three council members elected. Reelected are Bob Beary and Scot Hugen. New member is Karrie Hutchinson. We appreciate these Lovilia residents giving their time and talents to serve the community.

Nikki Gilbert and Jake Force Marry

Nikki Gilbert and Jake Force recently married and will be living in Norwalk, Iowa. Nikki is the daughter of Angie Gilbert McCombs and stepdaughter of Mitch McCombs. Granddaughter of Bonnie and the late George Gilbert. Jake is the son of Danny Force. Jake’s grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jack Force.  Best wishes to you newlyweds.

Tom Romanco Hospitalized

Tom Romanco had total hip replacement surgery last week and then suffered a heart attack.  He was taken back into surgery and received four heart bypasses.  We have him and his family in our thoughts and prayers.

Lovilia House Destroyed by Fire

The house at the north end of the Lovilia baseball diamond caught fire a few days ago and is now not liveable.  The residents were the Yates family who are now living out of town.  Lovilia firemen fought the blaze and were aided by the Albia fire dept.

Lovilia Has Connection with 2011 World Series

World Series player has family roots in Lovilia.  Texas Rangers pitcher, Derek Halland, is the grandson of Walter Henderson.  Walter graduated from Lovilia High School in the class of 1950.  Derek’s great aunt is Betty Henderson Baker.  That is exciting to know! Yahoo!  Congratulations to Derek for his and his team’s successful year.

Go to Chili Supper Nov. 15 and Support Local 4-H Club

Local 4-H club will be serving a chili supper this November 15, Tuesday, starting at 5pm.  It will be at the Lovilia Community Building.  Free will offering is the cost.  Go get a great meal and support the kids club work!

September 29, 2011

Lovilia Class of 1951 Reunited Sept. 24

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 9:05 pm

The 60th class reunion was held at the Lovilia Community Building for a luncheon. Class colors were red and white and the class flower was red roses. So the table was decorated with those colors and flowers. Class member Marguerite Markle even created a cake for the class with white and red frosting.

The afternoon was spent looking at photos and visiting. The class hopes to do it again next year.

There are 18 class members still living. Eleven attended the reunion. Attending from Lovilia were Carole Richmond, Marilyn Kraber, Doran Haywood, and Harold Hastings.
Out of town guests were: Marguerite and Rollie Markle (both classmates), Ruth Belzer, Marilyn VandenBerg, Delores Boehmke, Barbara Melcher, and Robert Waters.
Spouses attending were: Mary Jo Hastings,Jane Haywood, and Bernice Waters.

United  Methodist Church Updates

Oct. 2 will be a Crop walk from Hamilton Methodist church to Bussey Methodist church. You can make a pledge to this charity with a Methodist member or when you arrive to walk with them that day. Refreshments served to all who walk when they arrive in Bussey. Any one in the community is welcome to join the walk.
I walked last year and found it to be a great form of exercise and was as hungry as a coon dog who barked up trees all night when I got to Bussey and put a dent in their ice tea and cookies. Fun time and helps a good cause to feed the hungry.

Oct. 13, Thursday, Lovilia United Methodist Women will hold a guest day luncheon.  It will be held at noon at the Lovilia Comm. Building.  All local church women are invited.  The program will be given by Merrill Baker.  He will tell of his recent visit back to Korea where he had served his country during the Korean War.


Methodists are also having Kid’s Club every Wednesday evening from 4:30-5:30 pm for children in grades K-6 at their Lovilia church.


Methodists Fall soup supper will be Nov. 2, 2011

Supper starts at 5 and goes until 7pm at the Lovilia Comm. Building.  Cost is a free will offering.  Menu is: chili soup, veg-beef soup, chicken noodle soup, steamed hamburgers, and pie.  The whole community is invited for food and visiting with your neighbors.

Firemen’s supper Wednesday, October 5

The fundraising supper starts at 5pm at the Lovilia Comm. Building.  Cost is a free will donation.  Menu is the chicken and noodles they are famous for.  Following the supper the firemen will have a lighted firetruck parade through town.


City election will be November 8, Tuesday.

Be sure to vote at the Lovilia Community Building. Pat Gilbert, current mayor, is running unopposed for  another term as mayor.

Three council positions are up for election.  Three of the five people running will be elected or someone could be elected on a write in campaign.  The five candidates are:  Pat Anderson, Bob Beary, Scott Hugen, Karrie Hutchinson, and Beth Shelford.

Lovilia City Water Sourced from Lake Rathbun is Safe

There have been comments that the water smells or tastes bad.  According to Rathbun Regional Water, who treats our water for use, there is a high algae growth at the lake and the lake is turning over.   This a a normal course of nature and the treated water we receive is safe to drink.

Quotes Below from the First Lovilia newsletter published by the Mayor and City Council

The purpose of the newsletter is to keep the residents informed on what is taking place in your city government. They hope to publish it each year in Jan. and July.

2004:  Lagoon Renovation project:  was mandated by the Iowa DNR that the city update to an aeration system. The cost was nearly $700,000.  Financed in part with a Comm. Development Grant and the remainder in debt incurred by the city.  Final payment on the borrowed funds will be in June 2023.

2005-6 Park committee formed and procured over $40,000 to construct the city park on E Avenue South.

2006-7:  Street improvement with the paving of E avenue South from 16-20th street and also West 17th and West 18th streets.

2010: seal coating of city streets

2011:  Water tower renovation.  removed coating and recoated inside and out

2011:  Purchase of new city pick-up

2011:  Improvements to Gibson park (north end of Lovilia on Hwy 5) This included the renovation of the coal car by Roy Beebe, poured a concrete slab to sit a picnic table on, and the purchase of a car port style picnic shelter from Rob Wallace of Wallace Tire shop of Lovilia.  These cost $2695 and was funds applied for and received from the Monroe Co. Foundation ( which distributes money from Iowa gambling back to local non profits in Iowa communities) Money donated to the city by the now defunct nonprofit Lovilia recreation committee was used to purchase a picnic table and garbage holder.


The census of 2010 showed our population drop from 583-538 Lovilia residents.  The road use funds we receive from the state are based on our population as is the local option sales tax received. Therefore we have a reduction of revenue due to the smaller number of people living here.

City Ordinances (laws) you should be aware of:

Mowing of property: required mowing of property by the 1st and 15th of the month in May, June, July, August, September and October of each year.

Junk:  Its is unlawful for any person to store, accumulate, or allow to remain on any private property within the corporate limits of the city any junk or junk vehicle

Animal control:  it is unlawful for any owner to allow an animal to run at large within the city limits

Permits required:  building permits are required

Snow/ice removal:  it’s the responsibility of the property owner to remove snow/ice from sidewalks

Parking on sidewalks is prohibited.

This is just a sampling of city ordinances. A complete copy of the ordinances and the Lovilia zoning ordinance may be viewed at city hall.

Boards and Commissions

Cemetery board of trustees- 4year term

Planning and zoning commission- 5 year term

Board of Adjustment- 5 year term

Park Committee

IF you are interested on serving on any of the above please contact city hall and when a position is available you will be considered.  A listing of current members is posted in the window of city hall.

Lovilia Volunteer Fire Dept.

The current Fire Chief is Justin McCombs.  If you are interested in being a member of the fire department contact Justin, the city clerk, or any other fire dept. member.  The Fire Dept. recently received a plaque of appreciation from the MDA for perticipation in Labor Day fundraising for 2010.  The Dept participated in “Fill the boot” fundraising again this year and raised $1500.

City Employees

Leonard Geery- City Superintendent (full-time position) phone:  641-946-7755 or 641-891-1755

Patti DeGross-City clerk (part-time position)Phone:  641-946-7711 or afternoon call 641-946-7343 if you don’t get an answer leave a message on her answering machine

Jane Haywood-Billing clerk (part-time position)

Jerry Knapp-Animal control officer (part-time position) Phone:  641-777-3274 or call the Sheriff’s office at 641-932-7815 to report an animal running at large.

Water and Sewer Bills

Meters are read on or about the 20th of the month.  Bills are mailed the last weekend of the month and are due on the first Thursday and Friday of the following month.  Bills can be paid at City Hall in person or in the drop box located on the door of City Hall.  Payments can also be mailed.  Bills are delinquent on the 10th of the month and a penalty is added to unpaid bills.

The City of Lovilia charges a flat-rate sewer charge.  The sewer rate is NOT based on water usage.  The sewer charge remains in effect in the presence or absence of water connection.

Sewer charges will not be discontinued unless a building is removed from the lot. And the lot must be cleared, leveled, sowed and lines must be capped and approved by the City Superintendent per the Lovilia Code of Ordinances.

St. Peter’s Catholic Church News

Starting Oct. 2nd mass will be Sunday at 10:30am.

St. Peter’s is creating a photo directory of our church and members.  Photos will be taken at the church hall on Oct. 7 and Oct. 8.

A vote on the parish picnic resulted in the decision to keep the same menu but to hold it next year in mid October.

Current altar servers and new trainees will stay after Mass on Sunday , Oct. 9 for training with Father Pat.

Altar and Rosary meeting will be at 9am on Oct. 9 before mass for all ladies of the parish.   This will be to discuss by-laws, budgets, etc.

St. Peter’s Food Pantry donations:  you can leave non-perishable food items for Helping Hands every Sunday in the box at church. If you prefer to give money for extra items to be purchased you may do that too in the donation container marked Helping Hands.

If you have news to report, please call Susan Beary at 641-946-7952 or email me and I will put it on the under the water tower site.  Thank you.


September 20, 2011

Californian tells us of her Lovilia Roots

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 11:59 pm

Barbara Fridley Potts wrote recently that while she was on the web she read the Ottumwa Courier death notice of Elna Papich,age 94, who died in Feb. and was formerly of Lovilia. I know she signed my mom’s little red book from high school, Barb recalls.

In your Under the Water Tower I read the article of Mary Chamberlain (posted Nov. 20, 2010). she and my mom must have know each other. The article mentioned Rex 4 mine and Buxton coal mine. My mom grew up at Rex 4 and 5. She also lived on a farm in Lovilia. Her dad George was killed in the mine when she was 15 years old. Mary Kollar, mom’s mother stayed at the farm and I think had berries, a cow, and had hired men to help her with the farm. Mom talked about the big breakfast grandma fixed for the men. It was the main meal for the day. Mom said her first friend was Margaret Johnson from Rex 5.

Please let Mary Chamberlain know that someone does care and enjoyed hearing of her life in Lovilia.

My mother was Elvira Anne Kollar Fridley, born February 19, 1914 at Buxton, Iowa and she died March 1, 2002.

Mom always had fond memories of her childhood in Lovilia. Mary Hreha Kollar was her mother. Her dad was Andrew Hreha. Her sister was Emma Hreha Konovich. They are buried at St. Peter’s Cemetery in Lovilia, Iowa. One friend mom mentioned was Margaret O’Brien.

We visited Iowa in 1996 and saw Lovilia, Albia, and the surrounding areas. We could not find the farm but I think we were close. Visited the St. Peter’s cemetery and went by the Church.

Mom said George and Mary Kollar were the first couple to be married in St. Peter’s. When granpa died she said the service was one of the largest attended.

Mom went to nursing school in Iowa and was a RN until she retired in 1968. She loved her nursing and made lifelong friendships.

She married in 1936 in Centerville, Iowa to Bert H. Fridley. He later died in 1971. Dad had various jobs one of which was in Centerville at the newspaper and the mill.

They had four girl: Beverly, Mary, Barbara, and Patricia. Mary died in 2007. the family lived in Des Moines until 1948, then moved to Arizona for one year, and the to Los Angeles, California. We all stayed in California.

“I wish of course she was still here to tell you first hand the stories. All I know is she and I have fond feelings for Iowa”, says Barbara.

Thanks for writing Barbara. We love to hear from people who love their Lovilia roots.

August 23, 2011

Grandchildren of Michael and Pauline Slofkosky Family Reunion

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 9:15 pm

The grandchildren of Michael and Pauline Slofkosky gathered at the residence of Martha Robinson in rural Lovilia on August 6, 2011 to hold their “first cousins” reunion. Special guests attending were: Frances Ryba of Chicago, Ill.; Margaret and Fred Munday of Davenport, Ia; Velma Musler of Knoxville, Ia; and Mary Slofkosky of Lovilia, Ia.

The Cousins attending were:
Anthony Laschiazza, Plainfield, Illinois
Gerald Laschiazza, Berwyn, Illinois
Kenny Slofkosky, Kansas City, Missouri
Larry Slofkosky, SanDiego, California
Paul and Kathy Slofkosky, Knoxville, Iowa
David Majchrowicz, Houston, Texas
Donald Miller, St. Louis, Missouri
Dennis Majchrowicz, Sunnyvale, California
Adrienne, Daniela, Marisa and Brandon Castillo, Westchester, Illinois
Kathy and John Judge as well as Connie, Chris, and John Allen Judge of Albia, Iowa
Debbie Peterson, Albia, Iowa
Diane and Bill Murray, Iowa City, Iowa
Billy Slofkosky, Lovilia, Iowa
Cecil and Sandra Showers, Lovilia, Iowa
Martha Robinson, Lovilia, Iowa
Pat Slofkosky, Lovilia, Iowa
Joanna Ford, Lovilia, Iowa
Lindsey Smith and daughter Kate Coalbank , Bussey, Iowa

Other guests were Connie and Mark Lane of Knoxville, Iowa and Connie’s mother Lois Walters of Pella. Lois surprised Frances Ryba who was her best friend from Lovilia school days.

The oldest cousin present was Kathy Judge. The youngest was Adrienne Castillo. Larry Slofkosky traveled the longest distance. Dennis Majchrowicz  had the most children (6).

During the gathering some guests visited their ancestor’s graves at St. Peter’s Cemetery in Lovilia and St. Mary’s Cemetery at Weller.

There were laughter, tears, and stories told among this good spirited group. Many pictures of our ancestors were shared and Kathy Slofkosky had her lap top and printer so she was able to scan photos for those who wanted a certain one for a keepsake.

Thanks to Sandra Showers for this family update information.

August 13, 2011

Overmyer a Shrine Bowl co-MVP

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 7:48 pm

Kile Overmyer was chosen a co-most valuable player for the offensive . This was quite an honor and happy surprise when it was announced at the end of the game. He played for the south squad who won 17-14 over north squad in this high school game played at Jack Trice Stadium in Ames. Congratulations Kile!!

Correction on all School Reunion Date
It will be in 2013 but on Sunday, August 9, not in June as I earlier stated. Sorry. Be sure to change this if you recorded the date somewhere!

St Peter’s Picnic Raffle Results

Shirley Beary won the $500.
Tom Hastings won $200.
Sharon Stoffer of Bussey won $100.
Marsha Benjamin of Bussey won the $50 gift certificate from Casey’s
Catherine Kurimski won the $50 give certificate from Hyvee
Dave Kurimski won the $50 gift certificate from GasNGo
Pam Teno won the Jim and Charlie’s $50 gift certificate.
Thanks to everyone who bought tickets and dinner tickets or auction items. St. Peter’s appreciates your support.

Lovilia high school students attend Upward Bound

This is a federally funded program that helps prepare eligible students for higher education. It was held at Indian Hills Community College, Ottumwa. Attending from Lovilia were Samantha Hunt, Jenny Kimball, Chantel Manser, and Justin Manser.

Several Lovilia Families Moved Recently

Ernie Ford has moved into the fromer Ben McCoy and Louise Golec house in the south end.
Charity, daughter of Milo McCombs, and her family have moved into Ernies former home east of highway 5 in town.
Samantha, Charity’s sister, and her family have moved into Charity’s former residence in south Lovilia.
Roberta Farrington is moving from a farm home into the home that was the Mr. Mrs. Tony Loncarich house.

Loncarich Auction Tidbit

What do you think a Army WWII colt revolver would be worth? I said maybe a thousand dollars. That was way short of the selling price at the recent Tony Loncarich estate auction. The gun sold for $3,500. Guess I won’t be collecting revolvers anytime soon!

July 22, 2011

Lovilia is Busy !! Read all about it!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 2:49 am

Shannon Smith Proctor was one of the directors for the recent musical, Oklahoma, presented at the Albia Opera House.  Shannon runs a dance academy and is the granddaughter of the late Ed and Mary Beary of Lovilia.

July 19th an open house at Lake Miami meeting building was hosted by the DNR to teach guests about building and maintaining ponds, fish stocking and care, water quality, and the availability of technical and financial assistance for such projects.  If you have questions on these topics and did not make the meeting, contact Jonathan Garton at 515-281-6940 or email:  Jonathan.Garton@dnr.iowa.gov.

Lovilia Head Start are accepting applications for the fall classes.  Children who will be 3 or 4 by Sept. 15, 2011 may apply.  This includes children with disabilities.  Apply at the Lovilia location, 302 South H Street on any Thursday through July28th from 9:30am-3:30pm.  Bring with you proof of income for the past 12 months, a copy of your child’s birth certificate, proof of residency, and a copy of your child’s immunization record to complete your application.

Real estate sales:  Tim Findley of Lovilia has put money down to buy two properties in Lovilia.  One is the former Velma White home and the former Ma Papich home both of which are on E Ave. South (formerly Main st.)  He has relatives who will eventually live there.


Lovilia All School Reunion to be 2013

Lovilia all school alumni reunion has been scheduled for June 2, 2013 which is a Sunday.  It will be held at the Lovilia Community building.  Save this Date!


Lovilia graduate I missed in my earlier blog article:  Melinda Kimball, daughter of Dan and Angie Kimball graduated from Twin Cedars 2011.  Her family lives in the former Pat Findley house.  Melinda plans to attend UNI this fall.  Congratulations Melinda!


Kile Overmeyer , grandson of Judy and Ron Conner, earned a berth in the state track meet this year and also was asked to be in the high school Shrine Bowl football game.  The Shrine game is July 23rd in Ames.  Kile will play on the South team.  He graduated in May from Albia Comm. H. S. and will attend Iowa Western Community College in Council bluffs to play football for them. To know more about the game go to www.iowashrinebowl.org/

Weller Picnic

A few years ago, the St. Mary’s Church in Weller held its annual picnic on he feast of the Assumption, August 15th.  The church has now been closed for many years but its’ spirit is still alive.  A few years ago, a few individuals with Weller ties decided to once again plan a yearly picnic.  This year’s event will be on Saturday, July 30th.  The gathering will begin in the morning with a dinner of pork loin, brats, bread, pasta salad, beans, and soft drinks to be served at 11:30 am.  Following dinner, there will be an afternoon of fellowship and entertainment.  There will also be a raffle of many unique prizes during the afternoon.  All who have been touched by the Weller Community are invited.  Jim McGinn, one of the hosts, hopes to see you there.


St Peter’s Catholic Church Annual Picnic, Sunday, July 31, 2011


Mass is 10:30am

11:30am-1:30pm Dinner in the church hall

10am-12:30pm country store is open

1:30pm Auction begins under the tent


Dinner menu:  roast beef or ham, mashed potatoes, homemade noodles, green beans corn, salads, dinner rolls, homemade pie, beverages.

Adult meals are $8, ages 4-12 are $4 and under 3 years of age are free.

Raffle tickets are available before the picnic from church members or you can buy them at the door.  prizes are :  $500 cash, $200 cash, $100 cash, and four $50 gift certificates (one each to: Caseys, Gas-n-Go, Jim &Charlies, and Hy-Vee.)

Come join the St. Peter’s bunch for a great home cooked meal and all the fun!




June 11, 2011

Graduation Time

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 4:58 pm

There were four graduating seniors from the city of Lovilia this year at Albia Community High School.  They are:

Lindsey Ann Gass, daughter of Jim and Debbie Gass.  She has a goal of attending Indian Hills Comm. College and studying physical therapy.

Justin Manser, son of Brandi and Harold Manser.  He plans to pursue the welding tech classes at Indian Hills Comm. College.

Jenna Ross, daughter of Anna and Kenny Ross.  She will start out at Indian Hills Comm. College and study to become an elementary teacher.  She received a John W. Hartzel Scholarship, a Mick scholarship, and a IHCC scholarship.  Jenna also got the Presidential Education Excellence award form having a 3.5 or higher grade point.  She was also honored with a citizenship award.

Jewel Whicker, sister of Janis and Jeremy Aldridge and granddaughter of Janis Summers.  Jewel is enrolled to study pre-med at the U of Iowa and then has the goal of following that up with a D.O. degree from Truman University in Missouri.  She received the following at the senior awards night:  Iowa full tuition scholarship, Marine Corps scholastic excellence award, Peterson music scholarship, K-2 Albia PTO scholarship, ACHS band scholarship, Albia Comm. Theater Scholarship, Elite Letter winner-Fine Arts, Susan Miller Simonson scholarship, Presidential Education Excellence award for a 3.5 or higher grade point , Mick scholarship, and a citizenship award.

Graduating from Twin Cedars High School was Jacquelyn Gilbert, daughter of Pat and Teresa Gilbert.  She will be studying massage therapy with classes at Indian Hills Comm. College.

Summer graduates from Indian Hills from Lovilia were posted by the college as the following:

Annette Comstock ,AAS

Caitlin Conner, AA

Richard Gilbert, AA

Abby Helmon (Diploma)

Randy Kimball, AAS

Matthew Marinez, AAS

Ricci Pierce (Diploma)

Congratulations to you all and we wish you well as you pursue your goals for a career!

Fifteen Years of Work Anniversary

Julia Gullion, wife of Tom Gullion of rural Lovilia, was recently recognized by Cargill Meat Solutions in Ottumwa for reaching her 15th year of service to the company.  Congratulations Julia!!

Water Tower Restoration Complete

The work crew is done.  The tower is a nice robin egg’s blue with the Lovilia lettering in black.  This should keep it in good repair for another 15 to 20 years. 

May 12, 2011

Locals in Drake Relays

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 8:42 pm

Albia H. S. had two entries at the Drake Relays this year.  Kile Overmyer (Ron and Judy Conner’s grandson) placed 20th in the long jump.

Then Logan Williams (grandfather David Williams) joined Kile and two other chaps to run the 4 X100 relay.  The team was 53 in a field of 80.

It is an honor to make it to Drake for these events and so congrats to these young men!

Twin Cedars had Jacquelyn Gilbert on winning team

Twin Cedars girls won the Bluegrass Conference meet at Lamoni recently.  Jacque was on the champion shuttle hurdle team. Congrats to you!

Hatfields celebrate 50th wedding anniversary

Iva Mae and Jim will celebrate with an open house from noon to 4pm May 14 at the Lovilia Community Building. Best wishes to you both.

Iola Gladfelder died May 6, 2011

Iola was born on April 1, 1936 in Lovilia to Harold and Frances (Barnes) Waters.  She was a graduate of Lovilia High School with the class of 1954.

She married Kenneth Gladfelder in 1955.  She worked many years for Chamberlain Mfg. in Albia and transferred with the company to Arkansas. She returned to live in Lovilia when she retired.  She has one daughter, Diane Edgington of Attica and two grandchildren.

Funeral services were at Lovilia United Methodist Church and burial was in Woodlawn Cemetery in Lovilia.

School Board members recently honored

The Lovilia area board member is Russ VandenBerg.   Thanks for your community service.

Mikayla VandenBerg elected to state FCCLA office.

Mikayla , a high school junior, was elected state vice-president of Student body.  She is the daughter of Russ and Becky Vandenberg.  She and her teacher sponsor will travel to Anaheim, Cal. in June for the national groups convention.  Congratulations and learn as well as have fun!

Chamberlains expand their business

Tom and Carol Chamberlain are the new managers of the Our Town Florists shop in Knoxville, Iowa.  The store is located at 101 E. Robinson.  The phone number there is 842-2298.  Good luck on your new venture!!!!

Water tower in Lovilia Receiving an overhaul

You can hear the sandblasting from all over town.  The South Dakota men are hard at work removing the old paint, doing welding repairs, and then will paint it fresh and sassy.  I am told it will be a four week job.  They hang from safety lines and scaffolds.  I do not envy them working at that height but I am glad they can keep our tower in good shape.   That maintenance has to be done every few years.  Hopefully no pilots flying by get lost as the name on the tower is sanded off until the new letters are ready to go on!!


April 27, 2011

Community Building Receives Over $2000 Donation

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 3:07 pm

Sandra Showers of rural Lovilia attended the St. Mary’s Altar and Rosary meeting at Albia when they were choosing which non-profit groups to give the money they raise doing a weekly luncheon during Lent.  She requested that funds be given to Lovilia Community Building to fund updates to the building.  The committee chose Lovilia as one of the two groups to donate to this 2011 Lenten season.

We want to thank Sandra for taking her time to make this request for Lovilia and for thinking of our needs.  The check has been received by treasurer Fred Kraber and was written for $2,122.46.

We also want to thank St. Mary’s for their generosity to the local community.  The food is donated and the labor is donated at these luncheons.  So thanks to all those donors and workers !!

Lovilia Obituaries

Rita Christine Kurimski

Rita lived in Waukee, Iowa but grew up in rural Lovilia.  She died April 7, 2011 from Fronto-temporal dementia.

She was born Jan. 17, 1957 to Steve and Barb (Crall) Kurmiski.  She graduated from Albia H. S. class of 1975 and graduated from DMACC with an accounting degree.

Her brothers and families live in rural Lovilia, Mark and Bernard Kurimski.  Her sister Marla and family live in Runnells.

Funeral was at St. Peter’s church in Lovilia and burial at St. Peter’s Cemetery in Lovilia.

Richard Paul Pierce

Richard died April 8, 2011 at Monroe County Hospital.  He was born May31,1964 in Centerville.  His parents were Richard Keith and Neta (Allen) Pierce.  He had a career as a union millwright.

He is survived by his wife, Pamela Pierce of Lovilia and a daughter, Ricci, of Cincinnati.  He has a brother Brian of Pella.

Funeral was at Lange Funeral Home in Centerville, Iowa with burial at Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Cincinnati, Iowa.  A memorial has bee established to the family.

David Cecil Hunt

David died April 15, 2011 at his home in Lovilia.  He was born to Lloyd and Emma (Berto) Hunt on August 19, 1932.

He married Judy Self and they had four children:  Kevin, Lori, Brian, and Brad.  They later divorced and his companion was Sandy Wade of Lovilia.

He ran Hunt Auto in Lovilia for many years. Dave did mechanical work and sold motorcycles and chain saws.  He was a member of Lovilia Fire Dept. for a time.

Lori and Brad and families live in Lovilia. Memorials have been designated to Lovilia Commuinity building and Lovilia Fire Dept. and First Responders.

Funreral services were at Winfield’s and burial at Gosport Cemetery in Marion County with military rites.

Teddy Carl Visser

He died April22, 2011 at Monroe Care Center in Albia.  He was born to Carl and Ella Mae (Clark) Visser near Lovilia on January 8, 1930.  He grew up and was educated in Lovilia and later served in the Air Force.

He married Alice Colleen Clipperton June3, 1951.  He was a member of Lovilia United Methodist Church.  He had a long career as a truck driver and served several years on the Lovilia city council.

His son Larry of Lovilia survives and five grandchildren.  Preceding him in death was an infant son and his daughter Chris.  Three of the grandchildren live in Lovilia:  James Toopes, John Toopes, and Karrie Hutchinson.

Our condolences to all these families and to the departed we wish them peace.

Student Updates

Albia high school academic team tournament in April.  A junior team member was Aaron Kurimski of Lovilia. (Parents:  Bernard and Helen Kurimski)

This year two Lovilia area students Aaron Kurimski and Mikayla Vandenberg earned state FFA degrees which is FFA’s highest honor.  Aaron had beef and swine production and helped his brother with a lawn care business.  Mikayla (daughter of Russ and Becky) worked in lawn care and at Hyvee.

Jewel Whicker shined in music performance this spring.  She had a one rating in vocal solo and a one rating with another student in a duet.  She also earned a one rating playing in a brass choir.

2011 senior babe Ruth team includes Kile Overmyer and Hunter Hastings who have Lovilia family roots.

Albia high track team includes Caleb Maughan and Logan Williams with Lovilia roots.

Tennis team at Albia high includes Lauren Williams  and Mikayla Vandenberg with Lovilia roots.

Congratulation to you all for getting out there and giving to your team and learning for yourselves.

Wedding in June

Heather Kurimski (parents Bernard and Helen of rural Lovilia) will marry Sean Balzer of California on June 11, 2011.  She is an elementary teacher in DesMoines and he is a computer tech for Apple in West DesMoines.  Best wishes to you both!

Art Award

Juana (Jane) Plum formerly of Lovilia received an honorable mention for her water color in Knoxville’s recent Art Show.  Congratulations Juana!

April 6, 2011

Woodlawn Cemetery Web Site Update

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 6:36 pm

Stephen Stewart wrote this week:

I have upgraded the Woodlawn Cemetery pages to be a unique domain.  You may now reach it at:


I am now digitizing all of the birth, marriage, and death notices from The Lovilia Press, and have 653 obituaries on the Woodlawn site to date.  The Press ran from 1907 to the late 1950’s so I would still like to hear from folks with obituarys from before and after those dates.

Thanks. Signed Steve Stewart

His email address is:  Stewart@iowtelecom.net

This is a great service he is providing for family and community history buffs. Thanks again, Steve

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