Under the Water Tower Lovilia News

January 12, 2013

Reminder: Lovilia All School Reunion is this June

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 4:46 pm

June 9, Sunday is the day, so mark your calendars and save this special date.
The school reunion will be held at the Lovilia Community Building.

More details will appear here as I find them out.
Remember June 9, 2013, Sunday!!! Hope to see you all there.

December 1, 2012

Correction to Lovilia Press story

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 11:10 pm

Stephen said the correct address is: www.TheLoviliaPress.org

Guest from North Pole Recycles!!

Guess who was at the Albia recyling center today? Santa and Mrs. Claus. Wow! He took time out from his busy day of Breakfast with Santa, treats to hand out at the Christmas movie, and being in a Victorian Stroll window to recycle his newspapers, magazines, cardboard, glass jars, cans, and plastic., etc. what a role model. He made me so proud!!

Remember you can recycle in Lovilia next Saturday, Dec. 8th from 8am-10am across from the post office.  See you there.

Lovilia Casey’s Remodeling is Complete

Changes include:

2 new handicap accessible bathrooms. one for women and one for men and both have a diaper changing table so mom or dad can safely change baby! What a nice service for parents.

a walk in beer cooler

liquor and wine available

soft serve ice cream

submarine sandwiches


Lottery tickets for sale

office space for the manager to “manage ” in

These are all attractive and useful additions to expand shoppers choices.  Drop in and visit it soon.

November 26, 2012

New Website to search for Geneology of Lovilia Residents from Old Lovilia Press Clippings

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 11:38 pm

Go to: www.iamonroe.org/LoviliaPress

You can search by year or by first initial of a person’s last name. Included are births, marriages, and obituaries.

I enjoyed searching for fun even though I am not working on family history at this time.

We can thank Stephen Stewart for creating this site.  I am sure it took a great deal of time and talent and devotion to bring it to reality.  If you have questions, you may reach him at this email address:  stewart@iowatelecom.net.

Engagements Announced

Wesley Beary and Jenny Noyce of  Eau Claire, Wisconsin announce their marriage plans for 2013.  He proposed  Thanksgiving Day.  Both are currently living and working in Iowa City, Iowa.

Teresa Beary and Paul White of Dallas, Texas announce their marriage plans for 2013.  He proposed in October.  Both are currently living and working in Madison, Wisconsin. 

Best wishes to you all.

Morgan Beary’s Car Damaged by Collision with a Deer

Saturday evening when leaving Lovilia to return to Des Moines, he encountered deer crossing Hwy 5 and removed his foot from the accelerator but before he could slow down a large deer crossed the road and crashed with the car.  Severely injured but still alive the police put the animal down.  A tow truck was summoned and removed the car from the highway.  Morgan was not injured but the air bag did deploy.  Several good samaritans stopped to provide assistance which Morgan appreciated.  He was not injured except for light bruising from impact from the air bag.


November 5, 2012

St. Peter’s Catholic Church Picnic Results

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 5:14 pm

The picnic served 237 meals. We want to thank all those who came to eat and share the day.

Winner of the silent auction quilt was Ruby Johnson who purchased it for $225.

Winners of the raffle prizes were:
$500 Jim McGinn
$300 Anne Crosson
$200 Tara Lenger
$100 Myrtle Kurimski
$100 JoAnn Provenzano
$100 Tammy Zanoni
$100 Margaret Beakler
$100 Jerry Wynn
One winner was from California others from out of town , and some winners from Lovilia. Thanks to all who purchased tickets to support our fund raising efforts.

God Bless you all and we hope to see you next year!

October 22, 2012

Oct. 4, 2012 United Methodist Women Guest Day

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 1:49 am

Guest day luncheon and music was at the Lovilia Community Building. Music was provided by Beth Hunter, a well known singer from Albia. Fifty women attended from several local churches and enjoyed their visit together.


Annual Crop Walk

Several people participated this year and raised $509 to feed hungry people around the world.  Good job walkers!


Family Celebrates 50th Wedding Anniversary and a Wedding on the Same Day

Ron and Judy Conner were married 50 years ago on October 14, 1962. The ceremony was at the Lovilia Methodist Church with Linda Weldon as maid of honor and best man was Ed Weldon.  Ed is Judy’s brother and Linda is his wife.

Ron and Judy were blessed with three daughters.  Lisa who is married to Steve Gilkerson  has three children:  Justin, Alyssa, and Hannah,  and  lives in Bussey, Iowa. Angie has two sons:  Colby and Kile.  Angie is  living in Albia, Iowa.  Melanie is married to Kurt Teare and has two children:  Madison and Maysa, and they make their home in Pella, Iowa.

To make the day extra special, Angie chose that day this year for her wedding to Jim Henderson.  A beautiful blessing on Ron and Judy’s 50 years of marriage was included in the wedding celebration.

In addition, their first grandchild, Justin Gilkerson, celebrated his birthday on this date.

Best wishes to the whole family for a day so special in so many ways!

October 19, 2012 Post Office Future Meeting

At 2:30pm a public meeting was held at the post office to discuss changes in service. Several men and women were in attendance to hear the report and ask questions.

478 surveys were mailed to postal patrons and 148 responded. Of those answering, 82% wanted to keep the post office in Lovilia open.

No changes will be made until after the first of the year as they do not make changes during the busy holiday mail season.  Changes could take effect in Jan. or later.  New hours will be 8am-noon or near that time period.  The window to buy stamps , etc. will be open that entire time and the clerk will also be putting up the mail into the boxes then too.

We will be notified 30 days before the change in hours goes into effect.

Mail will continue to be picked up from the blue box out front of the office everyday but Sunday at 4pm and mailed out.

A new box will be placed in the lobby to hold packages that are too large for the letter boxes and a key will be provided so persons can get their package even when the clerk is gone.

October 24, 2012 United Methodist Soup Supper

Supper will be starting 5pm and go to 7pm unless they run out before 7.  There will be soups and homemade pies.  Free will donations will be taken to pay for your meals.

October 30th Lovilia Trick or Treat Night

Children are asked to seek out the treats between the hours of 6-8pm.  on Tuesday evening.  Spooky fun for all and walk and drive safely to prevent harm to any goblins and ghosts!

November 8th  4-H Club Soup Supper

Bluff Creek Progressive club will have a soup supper Nov. 8th at the Lovilia Community building starting at 5pm.  Chili soup is the specialty.  Buy your meal with a free will donation.  Donations help the club by supplies and help fund field trips.





October 4, 2012

Win Free Groceries for a Year

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 8:30 pm

Farm Bureau is sponsoring this contest along with corn growers, pork producers and Midwest Dairy Associations.

You can register to win if you go on line and enter by Oct. 31st.

I believe there are eight farmers (men and women) who are highlighted and you can see a video virtual tour of all eight farms. It was interesting to see up close the new technologies being used today on the farm to grow crops and protect the land. You can enter each time you watch one farmer’s tour. So you can get 8 entries to get a chance to win and learn something fun to boot.

One farmer is from Monroe County which makes it neat. The farmer is Tim Kaldenberg.

Go to this site to enter: farmersfeedus.org/ia

September 30, 2012

Lovilia St. Peter’s Annual Dinner is October 14, Sunday

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 8:25 pm

We decided several months ago to move the dinner away from the heat of July to the cool day of a fall Sunday for the comfort of our guests and our workers. We hope you will like the change and join us for the food and fun.

Raffle prizes are $500 cash, $300 cash, $200 cash, and five prizes of $100 cash. Tickets are $2.50 each for a chance to win the cash prizes. You can buy tickets that day at the church hall or in advance from any church member.

We have a beautiful hand quilted quilt donated by Sharon Stoffer, a church member from Bussey. It is blue and white and will fit a full or queen sized bed. There will be a silent auction bidding for it. So write down your offer and see if you can buy this beautiful artwork.

The women will have a country market from 10am-1pm. Items for sale will be homemade noodles made by the St. Peter’s women, baked goods, jam, jelly, flower and vegetable seeds, etc. Come and purchase your favorite treat.

Dinner menu is roast beef, ham, homemade noodles, green beans, pasta salad, coleslaw, rolls and pies and other mouth watering desserts. Dinner tickets are $8 each for adults, $4 for children aged 4-12, and free for children 3 and under.

Dinner is served from 11am-1pm.

Mass is at 10:30am.

Country Market from 10am-1pm

Auction at 1pm

Raffle drawings at Auction’s end.

September 13, 2012

Danny Warren Bunch died Sept. 10, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 9:08 pm

Danny is the son of George and Barbara (Baird) Bunch who are former Lovilia residents and who now reside in Albia, Iowa.

Danny, age 49, passed away at his home. He was born Sept. 9, 1963 in Albia. He went to elementary school in Lovilia and later at Smith Warren in Ottumwa. He graduated in 1984 from Albia High School. His interests were NASCAR and computers.

Besides his parents, he is survived by his sister, Lynda(Jeff) Niffenegger of Urbandale and her two children.

Services are Sat., Sept.15, 2012 at Tharp Funeral Home, Albia, Iowa. No visitation is planned. Burial to follow at Woodlawn in Lovilia, Iowa.

Memorials may be directed to Muscular Dystrophy Assoc. or Easter Seals Camp Sunnyside.

May he rest in peace.

 Writers featured in the Hospice of Monroe County Newsletter Have Lovilia Ties

Rose Conner, widow of Ron Conner, wrote of their experience with hospice while Ron lived and died with bone cancer.  It is a well written and compassionate piece about Ron and hospice care.  Ron was the step son of Viola Conner which many of you will remember.  And many of you went to school with Ron.

Kim Murph, registered nurse with hospice and licensed massage therapist, writes of all the benefits of massage to patients.  This includes pain relief, preventing bed sores, improving circulation, and improving patient comfort in many ways.

Kim is the daughter of the late Bill Slofkosky and of Donna Gass Slofkosky Shelford of Lovilia.

September 8, 2012

30th Wedding Anniversary for Bob and Loita Williams

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 7:42 pm

Bob and Loita were married on Sept. 25, 30 years ago (1982). The wedding was at the Methodist Church in Albia, Iowa. Pam Barnes (Selby), her sister, was maid of honor and Randy Beary, Bob’s cousin ( son of Larry and Joan Beary), was best man.

They have lived on main street at 1104 South E Avenue for many years. This house was originally Frank and Maggie Barnes’ home ( Loita’s grandparents). They have worked steadily to refurbish the property and it is in excellent condition.

Their marriage has been blessed with three children: Sadie, Katie, and Christian. Sadie is married to a high school sweetheart from Twin Cedars school, William Dykstra. They have two children.

We wish you many more happy years together Bob and Loita!

Theme Park for Everyone Including Disabled and Wheelchair Occupants Now Open in San Antonio, Texas

Gordon Hartman has a daughter with mental and physical disabilities and decided with his skills as a home builder and friends in the skilled trades to build an all inclusive park that would be wheel chair accessible.

The theme park is named Morgan’s Wonderland.  There is a carousal that allows people in wheelchairs to float up and down like those riding the carousal horses.  There is a sensory free village for those who can not tolerate bright lights and loud noises.  There is a wheelchair accessible sandbox.  A train ride which is completely wheelchair accessible travels almost a mile around the park’s lake for the fun of the visitors.

The park is free to those with disabilities so no one is excluded due to cost.  Admission for adults who accompany a disabled person is $15,  $10 for children, and $10 for seniors and military members.

The park opened in April 2010.  One boy in a wheel chair said his favorite thing at the park was the swings which wheel chairs can use.  He said it was the first time he could swing like other kids and it meant so much to him to experience that.

To learn hours of park use or make a donation go to morganswonderland.com.

Please pass the word about this exciting opportunity for anyone you know who could enjoy this chance to ride the rides and play for a day!


St Peter’s Catholic Church Annual Picnic to Be  Oct. 14th

Mark your calendar for the yummy homemade luncheon, auction,  raffles, and country store.  Even some games and fun in the plan too.  A beautiful blue and white quilt pieced by Sharon Stoffer, one of our members from Bussey, will be sold in a silent auction that day.  The quilt was hand quilted by the quilting ladies in Ottumwa St. Patrick’s Catholic Church.  Sharon generously donated the quilt to the fundraiser.

August 23, 2012

William “Bill” Papich Died August 15,2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 4:37 pm

Bill is the son of Stanley and Katherine Jackovich Papich. He was born in Lovilia on December 24, 1929. Stank and Katie will be remembered for running Papich Grocery in the south end of Lovilia all their married lives.

Bill had graduated from American Institute of Technology in Des Moines, Iowa and served in the U.S. Air Force during the Korean War.

His wife of 56 years is Sally Southwick Papich. They have a son William of Decatur, Alabama. They also have three daughters. Julie Wooten of Rogers, Arkansas; Pam Papich of Jonesboro, Arkansas; Kathy Cherryholmes of Collierville, Tennessee.

Bill’s brother Stan survives and lives in Bloomington, New York. His sister, Dorothy Crum, lives  in Iowa City, Iowa.

Bill and Sally have five grandchildren.

Bill retired from working for Southwestern Power Administration Department of Energy. He was a member of the Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church. His pastimes were gardening, hunting, and fishing, and Wednesday poker with the guys.

Services were held Aug. 18, 2012 at his church in Jonesboro. Burial in Holy Cross Cemetery. Rosary and family visitation was the night before at Emerson Funeral Home chapel.

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