Under the Water Tower Lovilia News

May 15, 2013

Population of Lovilia Up by One!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 7:59 pm

New baby boy born to Devon and Stephanie (Ballalatak) Bonnett.  He has been given the name Harper James Bonnett.  Everyone is doing well.  He was welcomed into this world on April 27, 2013.

Grandparents on Stephanie’s family tree  are Gary and Karen Ballalatak of rural Lovilia. Great grandparents are the late Joe Ballalatak and Kathryn Ballalatak of Lovilia and Harp and Mitzy Pettyjohn of Marysville.

Grandparents on Devon’s family tree are James and Judie Bonnett of rural Lovilia.  Great grandparents are George and Mary Harrison of Hamilton and Lloyd and Agnes Bonnett of Bussey.

Welcome Harper and congratulations Steph and Devon!!


April 29, 2013

Frances Iola Waters Dies April 22, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 8:54 pm

She lived her whole life at Lovilia.  She was born July 25, 1918 to Frank and  Maggie (Wilson) Barnes.  Frances married Harold Waters on October 2, 1934 and they shared 60 years together before Harold died in 1994.

Two sons, Kenneth and Keith, died in infancy.  Living to adulthood were six children.  Iola and John who have died in recent years.   Carol (Mrs. DeWayne )Allison, Phyllis (Mrs. Tom) Dunkin live in Lovilia. Gene (Mrs. Marge)Waters live in Muscatine, and Mark (Mrs. Joyce) Waters reside in Des Moines.

Her family has 13 grandchildren, 28 great grandchildren, and 7 great great grandchildren.

Frances  and Harold were well known in the community for owning and operating Waters Grocery during  many years of their marriage.

She cherished family time and in later years hosted morning coffee for them and friends at her home.  She was a devoted member of United Methodist Church of Lovilia and served it in many ways including singing.  She also sang many years with the Sweet Adelines.  Her political party was the Republicans and she was an active participant.

Frances died at age 94 at the Monroe County Hospital.

Celebrant for the funeral was Rev. Randy Beary with services at the Lovilia United Methodist Church.  Her nieces, Pam Selby, Loita Williams, and Christy Newman, were the vocalists.  They are the daughters of Frances’ brother Bill Barnes and his wife Norma.   Burial was in Woodlawn Cemetery, Lovilia, Iowa.

Memorials were designated to the Loviia United Methodist Church or Lovilia Community Building.  May she rest in eternal peace.


Worker’s Memorial Day April 28

Twenty persons met to walk in Lovilia in honor of this day established in 1989 on this day for the passage of the OSHA law to try to create safety on the job.

Walkers walked in a loop from the Community Building to St. Peter’s Catholic church and turned to F Ave. and north to car wash and turned to community building once more.

There candles were lighted.  Susan Beary spoke of the history of the memorial and named the local persons who have died at work lest we forget them and those who have contracted occupational diseases from work hazards.  She challenged everyone to continue to fight for safe work sites for all workers in the world.

May 4, Saturday, Lovilia All City Yard Sale Day

Come stroll the town for bargains. There will be sales at many homes and the Methodist Church ladies will host a sale in their church basement on E Avenue.  The St. Peter’s women will host a bake sale on E Avenue just across the street from the post office. Most sales begin at 8am.

Come join the fun of spring outdoor shopping Lovilia style!!

St. Peter’s Mass Time Change

Beginning May 5th, Sunday at 8:30 a. m. will be the mass time through the summer months and September.   No mass on Saturday in the summer in Lovilia.



April 18, 2013

April 8, 2013 Community Betterment Meeting

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 6:15 pm

The committee applied for a Monroe County Iowa Community Foundation grant and will receive $3000 to be used for building maintenance. The roof has already been repaired. Now the painting will be done including the large room and the hallway.

A new sign for the front of the building is hoped to be in place by the all school reunion on June 9th, Sunday. They hope to include a lion’s head and the purple and gold colors to reflect the schools mascot and colors.

The committee members plan to have the Comm. building unlocked for memorial day weekend so visitors to the cemeteries can come use the restroom and have a cup of coffee.

Once painting is done, new gutters will be purchased and placed on the building.

A defibrillator was given by the city to the Community building to use if a visitor needed resuscitated. This is greatly appreciated.

Judy Johnson will be asked to talk withthe insurance company to review more than one companys prices and coverage and report back to the group. The committee wants to be sure the building is adequately insured in case of serious damage. The premium for one year currently is $769 dollars.

The committee was asked to serve a meal for the all school reunion on June 9th and agreed to do so. Goldie Kraber is chairman. Menu will be pulled pork or beef burger, potato salad, cookies and beverage (coffee, iced tea, or water). A price of $5 per meal will be charged. Meal will be served from noon to 1:30 p.m. Approximately 225 guests are expected at the reunion.

Everyone is looking forward to seeing old friends and classmates.


St. Peter’s April 13, 2013 Celebration

To celebrate two children receiving their first communion today, a potluck supper was held at the church hall with all sharing homecooked delicious food.  The women’s A&R group furnished a decorated cake for the special occasion.  The two children honored are Rylee Dunkin of Bussey and Landyn Roland of Lovilia.

Next week the parish will nominate new members for the parish council.

Two students, Cole Kurimski and Hunter McAninch, are collecting pop cans and sold raffle tickets to help pay their way to the national Catholic youth meeting to be held next November. Thanks to all who bought tickets and brought cans.  Catholic youth from all churches in Monroe County are working on this project.  Local raffle winners were Jerry Wynn who won the quilt donated by Cleone Cap and Brad Stalzer won a White Buffalo Pizza and Pop certificate.

St. Peter’s A & R women will be holding a Bake Sale on May 4th, Saturday

This is the Lovilia all city yard sale day.  They will set up in front of Leon Chamberlain’s workshop just across from the post office.  Sale will begin at 8 a.m.  Stop by for a treat while you are shopping the yard sales.


April 17th Lightning damaged the Landfill electronics at HWY T-17.  The scales, computers, etc. and they will be working hard today to get things all in working order.  We have had well over 5 inches of rain in around 24 hours and creeks are over Hwy 5 north of Hamilton and Twin Cedars school was closed and I understand Chariton’s too.  Even though creeks and rivers were low from last year’s drought this much water so fast made for flash flooding. It is spring in Iowa!

April 17th United Methodist Chicken Noodle supper

The dinner was well attended and the food was excellent.  Workers were busy serving, fixing take out meals, and cleaning tables.  Guests were there from Albia and the surrounding area. Lots of good visiting was done.

April 28th Sunday,Worker’s Memorial Day

Join us and walk and attend our short memorial service that evening at Lovilia Comm. Building starting at 6:45 p.m.  If you have questions, call Susan Beary 641-946-7952.

March 22, 2013

June 9th, Sunday, Lovilia School Reunion Day Tour

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 10:45 pm

John Bain and family are welcoming the school reunion attendees to take a tour of the Lovilia school building that day. John and his family bought the building and have been living and working there while remodeling it too.

I am sure anyone who went to school there at some time would enjoy seeing what they have done with the building. We want to thank them for generously letting us have this peek at a place that furnished many a school memory.

March 19, 2013

Lovilia All School Reunion Update

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 4:21 pm

The 10th Lovilia High School Alumni Reunion will be Sunday, June 9th at the Lovilia Community building.

Registration begins at 11:30 a. m.
To help defray expenses the registration fee will be $5.00.

Community Betterment committee will serve a light lunch from noon until 1:30 p.m.

Program will begin at 1:30 p.m.

The building is now air-conditioned so you can enjoy your celebration in cool comfort.

A letter to all graduates and friends will be mailed the first week of April.

If you have any questions, please call anyone on the reunion committee.

The reunion committee members are: Sandy Winegardner, chairman,
Ruth Belzer, Mary Lou Bingaman, Gayle Hastings, Kae Morgan, Ilene Pottorff, Marilyn Vandenberg, and Margaret Vittetoe.

Be sure and mark your calendar for June 9th, Sunday. You will not want to miss seeing your old friends for a day of remembering and catching up.

March 15, 2013

April 28 Lovilia Memorial Service for Worker’s Memorial Day

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 6:01 pm

April 28th each year is the worldwide Worker’s Memorial Day.  This is new to me as it may be to you.  Susan Beary asked Lovilia city council if we could have a memorial walk and service and they agreed.

This day is to remember all workers who have died on the job or contracted a chronic illness from exposure to something harmful at the work site.  If you have someone you want remembered, please call Susan at 641-946-7952.  We invite everyone who wishes to honor these workers to come walk with us.

We will meet at the Lovilia Community Building at 6:45 p.m. At 7 p.m. we will walk from the building to E Ave. South (main street) and proceed South to the Catholic Church. Then we will turn left and walk to F Ave. (back street). Next turn and go North to the car wash where we turn left and go two blocks which returns us to the community building.

Once there we will pass out and light candles to hold in memory of those who died or were injured.  The names and circumstances of the death or illness will be read.  We will also include groups who died that we have no names for from many different work settings.

We will conclude with prayer for these people to rest in eternal peace and for us the living to continue to work for safe and healthy work places for all.


Mark your Calendar for June 8th, Saturday from 8 a.m.-10 a.m.

This will be a promotion day for the encouragement of all households in Lovilia and the rural area to come and recycle.  We will have a surprise thank you item for each child who brings something to recycle and for each adult.

See you that day at the recycle trailer in Lovilia.  If you have questions, call Susan Beary at 641-946-7952.

Lovilia city records show 226 households in Lovilia.  How many currently recycle?  Under 50.  A goal to reach of 100 participating households on this day would be a proud day to be sure.

Would you help us reach this goal? If you need to see the list of what you can recycle, click back on the blog to the one posted on Jan. 29, 2013 and all is listed there.   See you June 8th at the trailer!!

March 11, 2013

Patricia Findley Dies

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 10:38 pm

Pat died Feb. 28, 2013 in her home in Hesston, Kansas.

Born Nov. 11, 1926 in Albia to Maretta Forster Gray and William Gray. On Dec. 10, 1944 she married Donald Findley of Lovilia.

Together they farmed until he died in 1985. Pat then ran the farm herself until retiring in 2002. Pat then moved to Hesston to be near her daughter , Billie Christine Roth, called Chris.

Both Don and Pat loved square dancing and both became callers for the dances.

She was active in United Methodist Church in Lovilia. In 2001 she was named to the Monroe County Farm Bureau Hall of Fame. Pat also served for 11 years as a Monroe County Soil and Water Conservation Commissioner.

Pat is survived by her daughter Chris, four grandchildren, and nine great-grandchildren

Graveside services were held at the rural Osborne Cemetery. May she rest in peace.


Megan Marie Selby Dies

Megan was the adopted daughter of Kirby and Pam Selby of Albia, former residents of Lovilia.  Megan’s birthday was Jan. 29, 1984.  She died Mar. 7, 2013 at her home in Chariton.

She graduated from Albia High School in the class of 2002.

Her grandmother is Norma Barnes of Lovilia.

The funeral was Monday, March 11, 2013 at the Cornerstone Community Church in Albia and burial was in Service Chapel Cemetery in rural Monroe County.  May she rest in peace.


February 25, 2013

Lois Leota Sinclair Dies

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 9:47 pm

Lois lived June 7,1917-January 31,2013. Born in Buxton, Iowa to Henry and Pearl Phipps. She grew up and attended school in Lovilia. She married Malcolm “Mike” Sinclair. They lived, worked, and raised four children in the Albia area. Her brother was Hilbert Phipps of rural Lovilia, now deceased. Burial was in Woodlawn Cemetery, Lovilia.  May she now rest in peace.


Velma White Died

Velma died Feb 1, 2013 in Albia at age 97.  She moved here in 1958 with her husband Phillip White when they retired.  Preceded in death by her husband and three sons.  She was buried at Osborn Cemetery near Lovilia. May she now rest in peace.


Elizabeth “Betty” Jane Jones Died

Betty was born July 13, 1923 to Lawrence and Margaret McGinn of Weller. She died Feb.10, 2o13 in Albia, Iowa.  Burial was at St. Mary’s cemetery at Weller, Iowa.  May she rest in peace.

Teresa Beary marries Paul White

Teresa, daughter of David and Susan Beary of Lovilia, married Paul White near Madison, Wisconsin on Feb. 16, 2013.

Paul’s parents are Lionel and Sally White of Dallas, Texas.  Teresa and Paul live and work in Madison.

Immediate family and close friends shared the wedding and reception together.  We wish them many years of happiness together.

Mary Chamberlain Home

Mary home from the hospital.  Glad to have you back in Lovilia!  We missed you!

Catherine Beary moves

Catherine Beary, formerly of rural Lovilia, mother of Gene Beary has recently moved to the new Homestead Assisted Living by Monroe County Hospital.  May you enjoy you new home.

City Council Meets March 5

Lovilia council meets at 6 p.m.  for monthly business.  Townspeople are welcome to attend as guests.

Lovilia Recycling Day March 9th

Come recycle between 8-10 a. m. Trailer will be across from the post office.

For those who can not make it but want to recycle.  The county recycle building has been remodeled and now you can go there 24 hours a day on seven days a week.  The building is easy to find by turning off south Hwy 5 at the sign at the south end of the A.Y M. factory and go one block and it is on your left.  You will see all the little “Windows” that are marked for you to sort and deposit the items.  It is now self service.



January 29, 2013

Correction: Recycle day is Saturday. Feb. 9th. Sorry for my error.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 10:56 pm

Catherine Kurimski Injured

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan Beary @ 10:27 pm

Catherine fell and broke her hip last week. Surgery was done and she will spend some weeks in recovery and physical therapy in an Albia care center. We wish her a speedy recovery.

Ballalatak and Chamberlain on Way to Recovery

Katherine Ballalatak after a respiratory illness and recovery in an Albia care center is back home.  We are happy she is back in Lovilia.

Mary Chamberlain who became sick at Christmas and has been in Albia in a care center is expected to come home in a few days.  We look forward to seeing you,  Mary.

Tim and Sandy Welsh move to Knoxville

Tim and Sandy have sold their rural home northwest of Lovilia to a family from State Center , Iowa.  The new owner works at a Pella factory and his wife is a national renowned rescue dog trainer.  We welcome them to the area.

Tim and Sandy have purchased and moved into a Knoxville home  which they are very excited about.

Gas N Go Closes Doors

The station had closed the store but now it has also closed down the self service gas pumps.  We will miss the local business which had been here many years.

Drug Ring

Law enforcement recently interrogated some Monroe County persons, jailed some, and apparently continues to try to close in on drug makers and sellers.  It appears little information is available at this time as they continue to investigate.

Recycle in Lovilia Saturday, Feb. 11

Recycle in Lovilia Feb. 11th from 8am -10am at the trailer parked across from the post office.

Here is a new, updated list on what can be brought for recycling:

1.  Card  board : corrugated and chipboard(example cereal box) boxes must be clean, flat, and empty

2.  Glass:  all colors: wash out the items, take lids off, can not accept plate glass, no window glass, no mirrors, and no light bulbs

3. Newspaper: bagged separate from other items

4. Magazines: glossy paper magazines-bagged separate from other items

5.  Books:  paper back and hard cover books

6. shredded office paper:  bagged and tied shut

7. clean office paper: white paper letters, no envelopes

8. Mixed office paper:  envelopes,. colored paper, junk mail (bagged separate from other items.  No gift wrap, no foam coffee cups and no foam items.

9.  Tin cans:  wash out can with soapy water, remove label, NO AEROSOL(SPRAY) CANS, NO ALUMINUM PIE OR BAKING PANS AND NO TIN FOIL CAN BE ACCEPTED.

10. Plastic with recycle numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,& 7. We accept #6 if it is clear and see through but not #6 styrofoam such as white or colored store coffee cups or packing materials.  Rinse  containers before recycling. remove lids and drop them in your storage container.  (lids must be off so plastic can be flattened and baled). Do not accept auto fluids containers, no oil containers, and no antifreeze containers or other hazardous chemical containers.

All 10 categories must be kept separated so we can process and sell them.

No plastic bags accepted.(Return these to the stores that gave them to you, please.)

Hope to see our recyclers on Feb. 11th, Sat.  All new persons are welcome to recycle.  It is free!



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